Dear friends,
Greetings from Paris ! Hope this e-mail find you all well.
Please find attached the calls for:
– European Coordinator
– Administration Board
– European Chaplain
– Internal Auditors
Please read them carefully and share among your members and please ensure we will get candidatures for the positions opened this year.
The Team will be elected in 12-19 September 2011 in the European Committee 2011 which will take place in Corfu, Greece. Rememeber that this year there is no financial responsability of the nominating movement, nor of the candidate him/herself for the positions of the European Team.
At the end of my term, I can say this was a great experience and I warmly encoruage everyone to seriously think about this opportunity. Thank you and have a nice day!
Mihai Floran
European Coordinator
European Coordinator
Attached documents:
+ EC2011-CallEuropeanCoordinator
+ EC2011-CallAdministrationBoard
+ EC2011-CallEuropeanChaplain
+ EC2011-CallInternalAuditors