European Committee

European Committee 2020

From the 11th until the 13th the European Committee brought together 28 delegates from the National Organisations, the European Team and the International Secretariat Teams to disscuss and decide about the present and the future of the European Coordination JECI-MIEC! Even if it was online, the committee was very productive. The European Committee elected the […]

European Committee Uncategorized

European Committee 2020

The European Committee is the highest decision-making body of the European Coordination JECI-MIEC. This year it will take place online from the 11th to the 13th of December 2020. At the European Committee, each National Member Organization can send up to 3 delegates to participate, share ideas and engage with leaders from other national organizations. […]

European Committee 2017

European Committee 2017 from 3rd to 8th September in Hürth (Germany)

Dear friends, the phase to apply for the European Committee 2017 in Hürth (near Cologne/ Germany) has started. The offices received the calls, draft agenda and draft timetable.

European Committee 2015

European Committee 2015 in Rome elects European Team 2016

From the 7th to 13th September the JECI-MIEC European Committee 2015 took place in Rome. Thanks to all the helping hands of FUCI and MSAC Italy everything around this meeting went perfectly and thanks to all the people attending it was a good work and a fruitful week.

European Committee 2015

European Committee 2015 in Rome

Dear friends from the National Organizations, Greetings from the European Coordination JECI-MIEC! As there are/were some problems with the communication with your offices, we ask you to take this information to your national offices as soon as possible. We´d like to remind you to send your calls of delegates for the JECI-MIEC European Committee 2015, […]

European Committee 2014

Jeci-Miec European Committee 2014

The JECI-MIEC European Committee 2014 took place at Home St. Luc at Bettembourg, Luxembourg, from the 15th to the 21st of September. The Committee takes place every year, usually on September. It is the supreme and decision making body of the European Coordination JECI-MIEC and gathers representatives of national movements, as well as observes and […]

European Committee 2014

EC 2014- Preparatory meeting

The preparatory meeting for the European Committee 2014,that will take place in Luxembourg on September 15-21, 2014, kindly hosted by the JEC Luxembourg and supported by the European Youth Foundation, was held in Luxembourg from the 15th to the 18th of July. The European Team 2014, namely Maximilian Niessen, Romana Mysula and Eirini Freri, together […]

European Committee 2014

Invitation to the JECI-MIEC European Committee 2014

Dear friends from the National Organizations, greetings from the European Coordination JECI-MIEC! We are happy to invite you to our JECI-MIEC European Committee 2014, which will take place in Luxembourg, ibidem, from the 15th-21st September 2014. You will find enclosed the Calls for your Delegates to the European Committee, the Calls for the positions of […]

European Committee 2013

NEW EUROPEAN TEAM elected for 2014

The last day of the European Committee hosted the elections of the new European Team for the incoming year. The new European Team is composed  by the re-elected national organizations KSJ Germany and AUCS Obnova Ukraine, as well as the newly elected EKNE Greece. In person, KSJ Germany nominated Johannes Maximilian Nießen for another mandate […]

European Committee 2013

European Committee 2013 – Cluj, Romania

From 10 to 15 September in Cluj, Romania, it took place the European Committee for the year 2013 the highest decision body of the European Coordination JECI-MIEC. During these days reports from National Organisations were showed and also a narrative and financial report regard European Coordination JECI-MIEC was given by the European Team. The International’s and […]