A Revelation of Divine Love
We entered this liturgical time in which we reflected upon the passion, death and resurrection of our saviour Jesus Christ. An interesting fact is that Julian of Norwich, an English mystic from the medieval period, describes her visions of the passion as the revelation of Divine love. Let’s face it the event of the passion of Christ is an atrocious event in which we can see the depth of evil and how hatred can push a person to kill another person, even if this person, Jesus, has done nothing but good deeds. Yet in the depth of such an act still it is found an act of Divine Love. This is because Jesus is not just any person He is himself divinity made flesh in whom He wished to absorb all evil that humanity have accepted and let it separate him from God. In the image of the cross we see the image of humanity distorted by Sin, In the words of Prophet Isiah “He had no form or comeliness that we should look at Him, and no beauty that we should desire Him”. He took all of it carried it and nailed it to the cross and die. How can we call this an act of love? Only if we look at this event through the resurrection. Even this death which is caused by pure evil did not bring upon eternal death because it was won by eternal life. Jesus rose and regained back the true image of Humanity which He wishes to bestow on us. This is the act of Divine love. Even if there is so much that humanity has lost with a love so great it still has the chance to be gained back. What we see in this event of the passion death and resurrection is to be our own event. We are all called to walk the passion in our earthly life, we are all going to pass through death but if we walk this passage with Jesus, we also then rise with Him into Eternal life.
Wishes for a Blessed Easter
Fr Sergio