Press releases Study Session

European Congress : 23-27 September 2009

This year, 23 to 27 September 2009, the European Congress took place in Bonn and was organised by KSJ Germany and AKH Germany. The Congress which takes place only once in four or five years is the supreme and decision-making body of the European Coordination of JECI-MIEC and gathers representatives of the member movements, as well as of observes and guests.

Subject of the Study-Session-part was the « Bologna Process ». The participants discussed with guest-referees such as Mr. Michael Kuhn from COMECEM, the European Bishop Conference which is based in Brussels, and Matej Hotovcin from ESU, the European Students Union.

In continuity of the decisions of the last Congress in 2004 and in the light of the Study-Session, the Committee decided on « Integral Education and Catholic Faith » as main-theme for the action plan for the next three years.

Furthermore, AKH Germany was unanimously elected for a one year term in the European Team in order to work together with the members elected in 2008 for a two years term.

Anne-Marie Werner (AKH Germany)

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