Study Session Summerweek 2010

Extended deadline: Call for participants for Summerweek 2010

We have a pleasure to invite you to the Summerweek “Learning to live in MY Y/OURope”, which is taking place from 18th till 25th July 2010 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

The Summerweek is designed for members of the movements. This means that participants in the meeting should be actively involved in projects at national/local level or to be members of the national/local board of the movement.

In order to apply for this activity, you have to fill-in the application form (you can find it together with this document or download from our website at or attached to this e-mail) and sent it by e-mail The deadline for receiving the applications is the 10th June 2010. In any case we already now are asking you to reserve the travel tickets and to buy then ONLY as your participation will be confirmed.

After receiving the applications we will inform your movement of the participants confirmed and we will send them the “Participants File”.

Please find attached the draft timetable of the meeting.

The training Team will be composed by: Mihai Floran (European Coordinator), Anne-Marie Werner (ET), Chris Malano (IMCS-Pax Romana) and Fani Freri (EKNE Greece).

Please remember that in any case financial matters should not be a reason for non-participation. Please let us know if any problem and we will find common solution.

For any further information, please contact the European Secretariat by phone or by e-mail:

We hope to have a lot of participants – especially from movements that are not so often present in the activities.

Attached files:

+ Summerweek2010-CallforParticipants – Extended
+ Summerweek2010-ParticipantForm – Extended

+ Summerweek2010-Timetable 

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