The European Coordination JECI-MIEC is a movement uniting European Catholic Student Organizations and working in direct connection with the two global organisations IYCS (International Youth of Catholic Students) and IMCS (International Movements of Catholic Students). As we are based in Brussels we use the French abbreviations JECI and MIEC.
We are a platform to support our members regarding cooperation, cultural exchange and communication, encouraging and advertising joint activities, and sharing information. JECI-MIEC itself is connected and cooperating with other Networks and Organizations what allows its members´ voices to be transported to a wider european and global level.
As a European Catholic Movement we commit ourselves to the message of the gospel in all our activities, the promoting of human dignity of all people and the work for a closer European identity and solidarity. We recognize the importance of deepening our personal faith, putting faith into action and linking our studies with social engagement for strengthening in society a religious sense of life.
Our self-conception, contributions, principles and aims can be found more detailed in our Statutes and Orientation Guidelines, as well as in all the testimonies and reports on our Website and other media presence.
We thank a lot the European Youth Foundation and the Council of Europe
whose financial support allows us to set up activities and do our structural work.
We really appreciate receiving Feed-back to our website and contentual work. With sharing your opinion and thoughts you give us the opportunity to have new ideas and improvements.
Enjoy your visit!