From 17th to 19th November the General Assembly of the European Youth Forum took place in Varna, Bulgaria. For JECI-MIEC Simon Fischer was present to represent JECI-MIEC´s interests.
Very nice arranged was the whole welcoming ceremony on Wednesday evening that included a public plenary, the announcement of the European Youth Capital 2019 – which is Novi Sad (Serbia) – and an After Show Party with food, drinks and the female & male World Champions of Beat Boxing.
On the following days next to the important Resolution on the EU Youth Strategy there were partly intensively discussed motions, fruitful discussions in the commissions and thematic squares groups. One thematically interesting topic to follow was the Sustainable Development Goals, which is also an important issue for JECI-MIEC and on global level.
The elections for the new board of the European Youth Forum brought the following results:
Congratulations to Mr Luis Alvarado Martinez (AEGEE) for the presidency, to Ms Carina Autgengruber (ÖJV) and Mr Dejan Bojanic (OBESSU) for the vice-presidency.
Also Congratulations to the new Board Members Mr Andrea Casamenti (ECYC), Mr Ville Majamaa (WOSM), Mr Sebastian Rood (FYEG), Ms Nafsika Vrettaki (YEPP), Ms Kristen Aigro (ENL), Ms Tina Hocevar (MSS), Ms Mari Stromsvag (LNU) and Ms Zuzana Vaneckova (CRDM).
Special and heartly congratulations to our this years European Team Member Tina in her mandate as a YFJ-Board Member and good luck for the next two years!!!