JECI-MIEC European Coordination will try to broadcast live from the Colloquium 201. Therefore each evening the Media Group will publish the resumed activities of the day.
Tuesday, 8 March 2011
An informal evening was organised for the arrived participants which started as ice-breaker and thus people managed to get-to-know each other better.
Wednesday, 9 March 2011
At the begining of the morning we had an opening Mass of the Ashes day. Then we played some games for knowing each other better and for working as a team. Afterwards we had a guest from Kaunas university, Mr. Benas Ulevicius, talking about the Christian faith and catholic church teaching. We were tought a new method of reflection by St. Ignatius Loyola. In the evening program participants presented their organisations in the Movement Market.
Thursday, 10 March
We began the day with the prayer in the church and afterwards we had a lecture which was held by Dr. Ms.Egle Laumenskaite about the integral education. We were asked to work in groups and discuss such questions as autonomy, critical approach,pluralism etc. After the discussion and lunch, we had a debate experience, where we were able to express our opinion, listen what other participants think and share our point of view. In the evening program we had an intercultural event. Every country had to bring some special food of their country and to share traditional games/songs/videos. It was a great day. We also had a guest, the International Chaplain of IMCS/MIEC, father Chris Mccoy.
Friday, March 11
Friday started with a mass conducted by father Chris Mccoy, who later gave us a lecture about Catholic Church teaching on integral education. He mentioned that this concept was created by JECI-MIEC so it was hard to find out a description in different resources. It was a different lecture because we all participated in order to understand why we need education. The participants found it very dynamic because they were invited to play a game where there survival depends entirely on there’s education, the way we built the society if we were only women and children in an island. After lunch we visited Kaunas where we had an excursion directed by a member of Ateitis federation – Raminta. We ended up the day in Ateitis federation office for celebrating the Independence of Lithuania. The lithuanian participants tought traditional folk songs, dances and games which were really important to knowing the hosting country’s culture.
Saturday, March 12
Saturday started with the Mass after which we had a guest, Mr. Vygantas Malinauskas, who was talking about the analysis of different integral education concepts. During the lecture he asked us to compare four documents: two from the Vatican and two others official documents from church teachings. Then we shared our conclusions and Mr. Malinauskas helped us to understand better those documents. After the lunch we participated in the activity where we were divided by the countries: Malta, Lithuania, Portugal, Romania presented their educational systems, and the rest of the participants formed two teams, who had to answer these questions: 1) What should we get outside formal education? 2)What do we get outside formal education in our movements? The next activity we were having was creation a perfect educational system. The contest of the task was to repopulate new island with 2000 people from every country of the world.
After this activity we had an evaluating reflection of the two days, where we shared what we liked and got from these days. At 21 pm the official program was over and everybody could do whatever they wanted – go for a walk, play games, dance, communicate, sleep.
Sunday, March 13
Sunday’s morning began with a prayer. During all week we were reflecting about the integral education and this day was about finding a plan of action in different levels: to ourselves, in our country and together in Europe. Every country presented the ideas of a plan and afterwards all participants made some practical suggestions how to improve educational system, how to work inside the JECI-MIEC organisation. After the lunch we shared our final ideas about all the event. The official Colloquim 2011 ended with the closing Mass leaded by father Chris Mccoy, after which everybody get the certificate of participating in this event. After our final dinner we had a farewell party.
The whole week was a wonderful experience for everybody, and we know, that those people who we met will be in our hearts the whole life.
Thank you all the organisation team, animators, and every participant! See you soon, in WYD, Madrid.