From 2nd March to 9th March the Training session “Equipping Young People for the Responsibilities for Tomorrow’s Europe” was held in Peltre, France. An event supported by the European Youth Foundation. 37 participants representing organisations from 14 European Countries and 2 non-European countries gathered together to train about active citizenship and to be prepared in the art of training others to be young active citizens. Throughout the Training Session together with the help of Experts and Facilitators the group discussed on how to review policies and ways of how we as citizens can show approval or disapproval and solutions regarding these policies. We also discussed how we as organisations can use Non-Formal education as a tool to equip our members and ways how to defend it and encourage its recognition and value in our Societies.
As a result from this training session a toolkit was created to aid in the process of multiplying young active citizens in the realities of our National Organisations. This Toolkit gives an overview of the challenges and responsibilities we, as the young generation of Europe, have to face. It includes information about what is motivation and shows also the Importance of Non-Formal Education as a tool for organisations. This toolkit also provides what means active citizenship, ways of how one can be an active citizen and methods that help young people to be good trainers and multipliers.
We would also like to show our appreciation to the participants of this training session that contributed to the making of the toolkit. Their exchange of ideas and realities is what makes this toolkit practical and relevant to today’s and tomorrow’s reality of Europe.