Colloquium 2014

IMPORTANT UPDATE: JECI-MIEC Colloquium “Young Christians and Sexuality in the 21st Century’s Europe” – “The Choice of our lifestyle”

Dear friends,

dear applicants to the JECI-MIEC Colloquium 2014,

with this notification we would like to apologize for the fact that we had to withdraw the call for the Colloquium “Young Christians and Sexuality in the 21st Century’s Europe” – “The Choice of our lifestyle” for the fact that it contained a mistake done in the process of editing the call.

Unfortunately, this mistake concerned the financial regulations related to the participants’ reimbursements mentioned in the call.

Upon the decision of the European Team it was regarded necessary to update the call with the correct information and at the same time, as a means of transparency, to communicate to you the relevant changes:

Instead of a 100% reimbursement of travel costs, JECI-MIEC is only able to cover 90% of your travel costs to the Colloquium.

At this point we would also like to mention that we will still try to do everything within our measures to assure you a 100% reimbursement, but for budgeting reasons it could not be kept in the official call.

We hope for your understanding and that this change of criteria will not be a reason for you not to apply to our Colloquium.

Together with this notification you will receive an updated version of our call (with the changes marked in yellow) which is now legally binding.

Anyway we will ask any applicants after having received their application whether they were informed about the change and whether they consent to it.

Once more we would like to apologize for the unprofessional work and this personal mistake of the person responsible for editing the call.

With best regards,

Maximilian Niessen

on behalf of the European Team


Colloquium2014 – Notification of Change and Letter of Excuse Colloquium2014 – Participants Call – UPDATED Colloquium2014 – Application Form

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